Commission info


Base price 140 USD
Each additional character adds 20 USD
Payment is upfront and through PayPal only.

Rules and general info

I WON'T draw anything that promotes promotes racism, sexism, ableism and any kind of lgbt+phobia.All characters portrayed have to be above the age of 18 and look like they’re above the age of 18.I have the right to refuse the commission if I don’t feel comfortable with it.Commissions can take up to two months to complete depending on the size of the queue. If you need it with urgency the priority fee is 25 USD (contact me before to check the size of the queue).

How it works

1. Please send a detailed description of the desired artwork and reference images if available. It can be through BlueSky or email.
2. After the payment confirmation I’ll begin the painting and send the initial sketch in the following days for review. You can ask for as many changes as necessary in the sketch stage.
3. After it’s approved I’ll begin the rendering stage, in that stage I can’t make drastic changes.
4. After it’s rendered and colored I’ll send you the preview, in that stage I can only do minor adjustments and major changes are no longer possible.
5. The PNG and PDF files will be sent to your email.

Refund policy

I can offer 50% refund for commissions that are in the sketch stage.If the painting is at the rendering stage I can offer 30% refund.

Contact and social media